Wednesday, February 16, 2011


"8:05 AM-3:35 PM"

Friday, January 9, 2009

Matthew 11:28

Matthew 11:28-30
28 Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

On a hectic Monday morning a mother stepped out of her car with a fussy baby in one arm and a preschooler in the other. Tears were in her eyes as being late and life were just weighing her down. One parent immediately noticed this and gave her a hug. Later I had the opportunity to pray with her in the hall after she had dropped off her child. It seemed to help.

We have a lot of people who have been sick or have ongoing disease or who have financial strains, or some curve that life has thrown at them. These verses always help me to cope when things are getting out of hand. Jesus promises to be there for us, even implores us to come to him.

He does however ask us one thing: “take my yoke upon you”. Some of us in the natural do not want anyone’s yoke upon us. We might think we are giving up some of our freedom. His yoke actually is there to guide us, not so much to make us haul a heavy load. He actually lightens our load, carries our load himself much as he carried our sins to the cross.

He then asks us to learn from Him. Imagine what we could learn from the Creator of the universe!! How could we afford not to take His yoke upon us, especially from one who is so powerful and sovereign and yet so “gentle and lowly” in heart?

And He promises that His Yoke is easy. Easy? Give me that anytime over difficult or hard. His burden is still a burden but…it is light. You noticed He didn’t promise to take our burden away? Burdens are a part of life and when we are yoked to Christ we “learn”
how to handle them.

Of course the first thing He asks is to COME, then we can get the REST.

I hope that this holiday season when things get hectic we remember Jesus’ words to come to Him. I know as parents, teachers and servants of the Lord when the job gets overwhelming we need to remember Who we are yoked to, not What we are yoked to.

God’s Peace,
Bob Matthews
Interim Administrator